A friend sent me a link to a website called
1000 Awesome Things. It's a substantial list--1,000 to be exact--and has some very interesting entries. Reading through the list led me to ruminate on the 'awesome things' in my life. What awesome things do I see, experience, or enjoy in my life? I decided to create a list of my own.
- The feeling of calm and peace I feel when I'm in the temple. (This is especially blissful since I'm normally a very anxious person.)
- Hearing someone you love reciprocate with "I love you."
- The overwhelming joy and gratitude I feel when I see the Lord's hand in my life--and how He pays attention to the details.
- The feel of a down comforter wrapped around me.
- A hug from someone who possesses the 'gift of hugging' -- the security and peace I feel when wrapped in that embrace.
- Making other people laugh when I say something witty.
- Following a small impression and seeing how the Lord uses me to answer someone else's prayer.
- Dancing--anytime, anywhere--and how I can get lost in the movements and be transported to a blissful haven.
- Playing 100 games of "Go Fish" with a nephew--and hearing his endless stream of jokes.

- Enduring to the end of a particularly harrowing experience and feeling the joy of overcoming.
- Purple. The color makes me happy.
- Losing myself in a well-written book.
- The delight of insight and making connections in the scriptures that leads to further discovery.
- The synergy and edification that occurs when discussing the Gospel with Emily and Judy. I love to learn from them!
- Chocolate chip cookies made with oatmeal (especially from Hagermann's Bakery) and cold fat-free milk. Yum!
- The turquoise water at the falls of Havasupai.

- The endorphins surging through my body after I exercise. I feel that I could take on the world!
- Hearing my dad's voice when I call him crying. Sometimes a girl, no matter what age she is, just needs her Daddy.
- The crunch of leaves under my feet.
- The smell of lilacs.
- Feeling the sun on my skin, especially after being in the cold, air conditioned building.
- Seeing the Lord answer my prayers and my needs through someone else.
- Singing my testimony and having the Spirit testify that what I'm singing is true.
- Sleeping in.
- Finding just the right word or phrasing to encapsulate the meaning I desire, a la Elder Neal A. Maxwell.
- My car, Chad. He is very good to me and endures well all of the stress I put on him. Plus, he likes to go fast as I do.
- Sunrise on the beach.

- A note from a friend who just wanted to say "I love you, you are important to me."
- Hearing one of my favorite songs on the radio and singing along.
- Creating.
- Sleep.
- Someone else doing my dishes for me.
- Feeling understood and valued.
- Someone I respect wanting to spend time with me.
- Learning 'big words' and incorporating these into my vernacular.
- Cathartic writing.
- Trees make me happy: decorating my house with pictures of them; walking through a forest of trees; seeing the first leaves sprouting in the Spring after a long winter; soaking in the breathtaking colors of leaves in the Fall; researching the ancestors in my own family tree.

- Finding a 'kindred spirit.'
- Inside jokes. Inserting inside jokes into conversations and making someone laugh.
- Being authentic and feeling loved and accepted for who I am--feeling safe enough to 'just be.'
- Camping with my dad and sister in the backyard.
- Receiving revelation.
- Flip flops that allow my feet to not be claustrophobic.
- A phone call from a friend I haven't talked to in many years.
- Dustin--someone who loves unconditionally and makes me feel like the most important woman in the world. I soooo love you, Dust!
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