Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's All Fun and Games until Someone Sues

KShum introduced me to a new television show: Drop Dead Diva. Over the last few weeks, we've watched all 3 seasons on Netflix. When I see Jane (the main character) in action as a lawyer, I imagine that that's how JenE is in the courtroom--brilliant, sassy, compassionate, and innovative.

Here's to JenE, the coolest lawyer in school, as she studies for (and will pass!) the bar in yet another state! Whoo-hoo! You can do it!!! (Would I lie to you?)


  1. Oh my gosh----that is so funny! Thank you so much---I needed this today :). I LOVE Drop Dead Diva. I think you can watch new episodes on Remember the time when I got out of law school and I called you for help b/c I was getting depressed from watching lifetime movies? lol---fun times.

    1. ROTFL.

      Yes, yes I DO remember that phone call. Friends don't let friends watch Lifetime movies in the early hours of the morning! But Drop Dead Diva...that's okay to watch anytime! :)

      LOVE YOU!

  2. Just caught up on your last few posts...sounds like you're having quite the adventure. Keep the stories comin'. Your days sound so much more interesting than mine.

    1. I don't know if they are more interesting than yours...just different. :)

  3. I started watching this show because of your mention here. I watched the pilot on Thursday night, and then watched 3 eps on Friday night. I like it. Reminds me of Legally Blonde.

    1. Yes, it can seem very Legally Blonde-esque, especially during the first season. The show finds its own groove, though. It keeps getting better! :)
